2015年12月31日 星期四
2015年12月30日 星期三
2015年12月24日 星期四
2015年11月19日 星期四
[R] 計算經緯度距離
可利用Imap library計算兩經緯度之間距離,R Script如下:
gdist(121.24056,25.10048,121.2945078,25.1003632,units = "km")
> gdist(121.24056,25.10048,121.2945078,25.1003632,units = "km")
[1] 5.441616
# Calculate distance in kilometers between two points
earth.dist = function (long1, lat1, long2, lat2){
rad = pi/180
a1 = lat1 * rad
a2 = long1 * rad
b1 = lat2 * rad
b2 = long2 * rad
dlon = b2 - a2
dlat = b1 - a1
a = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(a1) * cos(b1) * (sin(dlon/2))^2
c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
R = 6378.145
d = R * c
> earth.dist(121.24056,25.10048,121.2945078,25.1003632)
[1] 5.438344
gdist(121.24056,25.10048,121.2945078,25.1003632,units = "km")
> gdist(121.24056,25.10048,121.2945078,25.1003632,units = "km")
[1] 5.441616
# Calculate distance in kilometers between two points
earth.dist = function (long1, lat1, long2, lat2){
rad = pi/180
a1 = lat1 * rad
a2 = long1 * rad
b1 = lat2 * rad
b2 = long2 * rad
dlon = b2 - a2
dlat = b1 - a1
a = (sin(dlat/2))^2 + cos(a1) * cos(b1) * (sin(dlon/2))^2
c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
R = 6378.145
d = R * c
> earth.dist(121.24056,25.10048,121.2945078,25.1003632)
[1] 5.438344
[R] Google map POI資料撈取
ref: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/details
擷取Google map POI須先至Google developers console開啟Google Places API Web Service,點選憑證產生API金鑰(須依狀況選擇瀏覽器金鑰or伺服器金鑰)
輸入下列網址即可獲得XML or JSON(此範例為XML)
https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/[data type]?location=[latitude,longitude]&radius=[radius]&type=[POI type]&key=[API key]
POI type如下:
Note1: 每頁XML只會顯示20筆資料,XML中有next_page_token代表有下頁資料,因此須繼續抓取,URL產生規則如下:
Note2: Google非常賤...爬太快會被擋...所以增加Sys.sleep指令random時間抓取
#輸入 latitude = 緯度, longitude = 經度, radius = 距離範圍(單位為公尺), type = 類型, apiKey = POI金鑰. ex:POI(25.08638,121.5241788,500,"food","AIzaSyAPZgJ024rQVxenR9raBvGz5DQVGJ84_I0")
POI = function(latitude, longitude, radius, type, apiKey) {
#url root
root = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/"
return.call = "xml"
#產生URL List
url_gen = array()
url_gen[1] = paste(root, return.call, "?location=", latitude, ",", longitude, "&radius=", radius, "&type=", type, "&key=", apiKey, sep = "")
#產生物件名稱清單(html_code_1, html_code_2, ....)
object_name_list = array()
object_name_list[1] = paste("html_code", 1, sep = "_")
assign(object_name_list[1], getURL(url_gen[1], useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36", .opts = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)))
assign(object_name_list[1], xmlParse(get(object_name_list[1])))
if (xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//status",xmlValue) != "OK"){
print(paste("Status:", xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//status",xmlValue), sep = " "))
name = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//result//name",xmlValue)
addr = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//result//vicinity",xmlValue)
lat = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//result//geometry//location//lat",xmlValue)
lng = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//result//geometry//location//lng",xmlValue)
next_page_token = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//next_page_token",xmlValue)
#若有next_page_token, 繼續執行迴圈
if (is.list(xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//next_page_token",xmlValue)) == TRUE) break
i = 2
url_gen[i] = paste(root, return.call, "?pagetoken=", next_page_token, "&key=", apiKey, sep = "")
object_name_list[i] = paste("html_code", i, sep = "_")
#因Google有防止機器人接取, 需占停時間執行網頁原始碼擷取
Sys.sleep(sample(10:20, 1))
assign(object_name_list[i], getURL(url_gen[i], useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36", .opts = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)))
assign(object_name_list[i], xmlParse(get(object_name_list[i])))
if (xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//status",xmlValue) != "OK"){
print(paste("Status:", xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//status",xmlValue), sep = " "))
name = as.vector(rbind(name, xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//result//name",xmlValue)))
addr = as.vector(rbind(addr, xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//result//vicinity",xmlValue)))
lat = as.vector(rbind(lat, xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//result//geometry//location//lat",xmlValue)))
lng = as.vector(rbind(lng, xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//result//geometry//location//lng",xmlValue)))
next_page_token = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//next_page_token",xmlValue)
#若有next_page_token, 繼續執行迴圈
if (is.list(xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//next_page_token",xmlValue)) == TRUE) break
i = i + 1
return(cbind(name, addr, lat, lng))
擷取Google map POI須先至Google developers console開啟Google Places API Web Service,點選憑證產生API金鑰(須依狀況選擇瀏覽器金鑰or伺服器金鑰)
輸入下列網址即可獲得XML or JSON(此範例為XML)
https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/[data type]?location=[latitude,longitude]&radius=[radius]&type=[POI type]&key=[API key]
POI type如下:
accounting | casino | gas_station | meal_takeaway | rv_park |
airport | cemetery | general_contractor | mosque | school |
amusement_park | church | grocery_or_supermarket | movie_rental | shoe_store |
aquarium | city_hall | gym | movie_theater | shopping_mall |
art_gallery | clothing_store | hair_care |
spa |
atm | convenience_store | hardware_store | museum | stadium |
bakery | courthouse | health | night_club | storage |
bank | dentist | hindu_temple | painter | store |
bar | department_store | home_goods_store | park | subway_station |
beauty_salon | doctor | hospital | parking | synagogue |
bicycle_store | electrician | insurance_agency | pet_store | taxi_stand |
book_store | electronics_store | jewelry_store | pharmacy | train_station |
bowling_alley |
laundry | physiotherapist | travel_agency |
bus_station | establishment | lawyer | place_of_worship | university |
cafe | finance | library | plumber | veterinary_care |
campground | fire_station | liquor_store | police | zoo |
car_dealer | florist | local_government_office | post_office | |
car_rental | food | locksmith | real_estate_agency | |
car_repair | funeral_home | lodging | restaurant | |
car_wash | furniture_store | meal_delivery | roofing_contractor |
Note1: 每頁XML只會顯示20筆資料,XML中有next_page_token代表有下頁資料,因此須繼續抓取,URL產生規則如下:
Note2: Google非常賤...爬太快會被擋...所以增加Sys.sleep指令random時間抓取
#輸入 latitude = 緯度, longitude = 經度, radius = 距離範圍(單位為公尺), type = 類型, apiKey = POI金鑰. ex:POI(25.08638,121.5241788,500,"food","AIzaSyAPZgJ024rQVxenR9raBvGz5DQVGJ84_I0")
POI = function(latitude, longitude, radius, type, apiKey) {
#url root
root = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/"
return.call = "xml"
#產生URL List
url_gen = array()
url_gen[1] = paste(root, return.call, "?location=", latitude, ",", longitude, "&radius=", radius, "&type=", type, "&key=", apiKey, sep = "")
#產生物件名稱清單(html_code_1, html_code_2, ....)
object_name_list = array()
object_name_list[1] = paste("html_code", 1, sep = "_")
assign(object_name_list[1], getURL(url_gen[1], useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36", .opts = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)))
assign(object_name_list[1], xmlParse(get(object_name_list[1])))
if (xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//status",xmlValue) != "OK"){
print(paste("Status:", xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//status",xmlValue), sep = " "))
name = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//result//name",xmlValue)
addr = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//result//vicinity",xmlValue)
lat = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//result//geometry//location//lat",xmlValue)
lng = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//result//geometry//location//lng",xmlValue)
next_page_token = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//next_page_token",xmlValue)
#若有next_page_token, 繼續執行迴圈
if (is.list(xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[1]),"//next_page_token",xmlValue)) == TRUE) break
i = 2
url_gen[i] = paste(root, return.call, "?pagetoken=", next_page_token, "&key=", apiKey, sep = "")
object_name_list[i] = paste("html_code", i, sep = "_")
#因Google有防止機器人接取, 需占停時間執行網頁原始碼擷取
Sys.sleep(sample(10:20, 1))
assign(object_name_list[i], getURL(url_gen[i], useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36", .opts = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)))
assign(object_name_list[i], xmlParse(get(object_name_list[i])))
if (xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//status",xmlValue) != "OK"){
print(paste("Status:", xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//status",xmlValue), sep = " "))
name = as.vector(rbind(name, xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//result//name",xmlValue)))
addr = as.vector(rbind(addr, xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//result//vicinity",xmlValue)))
lat = as.vector(rbind(lat, xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//result//geometry//location//lat",xmlValue)))
lng = as.vector(rbind(lng, xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//result//geometry//location//lng",xmlValue)))
next_page_token = xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//next_page_token",xmlValue)
#若有next_page_token, 繼續執行迴圈
if (is.list(xpathSApply(get(object_name_list[i]),"//next_page_token",xmlValue)) == TRUE) break
i = i + 1
return(cbind(name, addr, lat, lng))
name | addr | lat | lng |
Huge Burger | No. 14, Xiaodong Street, Shilin District | 25.0888706 | 121.5261431 |
帝二泰皇卷 | No. 4, Daxi Road, Shilin District | 25.0896858 | 121.5241363 |
松竹梅壽司 | No. 1號, Lane 17, Hualing Street, Shilin District | 25.082956 | 121.5193239 |
Family Mart | No. 2, Hefeng Street, Shilin District | 25.0828011 | 121.5194107 |
便所 | No. 184, Wenlin Road, Shilin District | 25.0896728 | 121.5270706 |
咖啡物語 | 號, No. 28, Dabei Road, Shilin District | 25.089737 | 121.52713 |
士林生炒羊肉 | No. 21之3號, Dadong Road, Shilin District | 25.0887613 | 121.5250143 |
阿亮麵線 | No. 84號, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0894903 | 121.5246627 |
草原風蒙古火鍋 | No. 35, Hougang Street, Shilin District | 25.0836565 | 121.5229606 |
阿姨鹽水雞 | No. 15, Jihe Road, Shilin District | 25.0880218 | 121.5237378 |
阿輝麵線 | 台北市士林區大南路(士林夜市,慈誠宮前) | 25.0893912 | 121.5249056 |
大統一牛排 | No. 89之17號, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0881567 | 121.5239742 |
笨蘆 | No. 189, Section 4, Chengde Road, Shilin District | 25.0880846 | 121.5223565 |
Cool N2分子虎分子雪糕專賣店 士林店 | No. 107, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0895579 | 121.5239008 |
肯德基KFC-台北士林餐廳 | No. 88, Wenlin Road, Shilin District | 25.08729 | 121.525953 |
Hilife | No. 7號, Dadong Road, Shilin District | 25.0866371 | 121.5253067 |
口品麻辣臭豆腐 | No. 113, Wenlin Road, Shilin District | 25.0882133 | 121.5261244 |
越南祥記美食 | No. 26, Xiaodong Street, Shilin District | 25.0892004 | 121.5262561 |
幸也蛋包飯 | 台北市士林區大北路12號 | 25.089764 | 121.5266381 |
咭家 | No. 36, Xiaodong Street, Shilin District | 25.089407 | 121.5263265 |
2派克脆皮雞排 士林店 | No. 181, Jihe Road, Shilin District | 25.0896957 | 121.5228589 |
好了啦-文林小北店 | No. 1, Xiaobei Street, Shilin District | 25.0902013 | 121.5269157 |
Ba Fang Yun Ji Dumpling | No. 31號, Hualing Street, Shilin District | 25.083599 | 121.519345 |
勝力食堂 | No. 35, Daxi Road, Shilin District | 25.0906726 | 121.524388 |
咖啡弄(劍潭店) | No. 132, Wenlin Road, Shilin District | 25.088581 | 121.526587 |
台南海鮮 | No. 130, Jihe Road, Shilin District | 25.0891115 | 121.5229285 |
士林伯豆花 | No. 94號, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0895679 | 121.524301 |
OK Mart | No. 78號, Dadong Road, Shilin District | 25.090465 | 121.5258699 |
Double Content | No. 50, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0893677 | 121.5249322 |
學姐冰店 | Shilin District | 25.0894329 | 121.5262616 |
阿宗面線 | 台北市士林區文林路101巷24號1樓 | 25.0878452 | 121.5255832 |
咕咕雞脆皮雞排 | No. 47號, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0892459 | 121.5249629 |
DSH | No. 99, Wenlin Road, Shilin District | 25.087939 | 121.5260559 |
寒天脆皮雞蛋燒 | 台北市士林區大南路(面對士林廟口左側) | 25.0895657 | 121.5243915 |
海友十全排骨 | No. 49號, Dadong Road, Shilin District | 25.0896619 | 121.5252989 |
UNCLEVINCE墨西哥雞肉捲 | 台北市士林區大南路84號 | 25.089522 | 121.524684 |
鍾家原上海生煎包 | No. 38, Xiaodong Street, Shilin District | 25.0894417 | 121.5263384 |
南港老老面碳烤 | 台北市士林區基河路181號 | 25.0896829 | 121.5229633 |
吳記螃蟹羹 | 台北市士林區文林路101巷26號 | 25.087824 | 121.5255496 |
麻辣妹子精緻99涮涮鍋 | No. 61, Dabei Road, Shilin District | 25.0900559 | 121.5252918 |
富樂台式涮涮鍋 | No. 75-1, Section 4, Chengde Road, Shilin District | 25.0820676 | 121.5233911 |
帝二泰皇卷 | No. 4, Daxi Road, Shilin District | 25.0896858 | 121.5241363 |
河粉煎 | Lane 101, Wenlin Road, Shilin District | 25.0877196 | 121.5256212 |
Family Mart | No. 2, Hefeng Street, Shilin District | 25.0828011 | 121.5194107 |
家鄉涼麵 | No. 46, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0893379 | 121.5250396 |
咖啡物語 | 號, No. 28, Dabei Road, Shilin District | 25.089737 | 121.52713 |
大沙茶滷味 | 台北市士林區大東路11-3號旁 | 25.087015 | 121.5252631 |
阿亮麵線 | No. 84號, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0894903 | 121.5246627 |
蜜酥雞排 | 台北市士林區文林路115號(士林夜市陽明戲院旁) | 25.087984 | 121.526105 |
阿姨鹽水雞 | No. 15, Jihe Road, Shilin District | 25.0880218 | 121.5237378 |
郭家蔥油餅 | 口, Lane 101, Wenlin Road, Shilin District | 25.08809 | 121.5261875 |
大統一牛排 | No. 89之17號, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0881567 | 121.5239742 |
錢都日式涮涮鍋-承德直營店 | No. 79, Section 4, Chengde Road, Shilin District | 25.082275 | 121.523368 |
Cool N2分子虎分子雪糕專賣店 士林店 | No. 107, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0895579 | 121.5239008 |
老炭烤 | 台北市士林區基河路181號 | 25.0896815 | 121.5229954 |
Hilife | No. 7號, Dadong Road, Shilin District | 25.0866371 | 121.5253067 |
咕咕雞小火鍋 | No. 47, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0892693 | 121.5249713 |
越南祥記美食 | No. 26, Xiaodong Street, Shilin District | 25.0892004 | 121.5262561 |
日上鐵板燒 | No. 101, Jihe Road, Shilin District | 25.087867 | 121.5241048 |
咭家 | No. 36, Xiaodong Street, Shilin District | 25.089407 | 121.5263265 |
食來運轉 | No. 31, Xiaodong Street, Shilin District | 25.089343 | 121.5262322 |
好了啦-文林小北店 | No. 1, Xiaobei Street, Shilin District | 25.0902013 | 121.5269157 |
泰便宜南洋小吃 | No. 130號, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0898554 | 121.5232556 |
勝力食堂 | No. 35, Daxi Road, Shilin District | 25.0906726 | 121.524388 |
食尚曼谷 bistro & lounge | No. 54, Dadong Road, Shilin District | 25.0897525 | 121.5254716 |
台南海鮮 | No. 130, Jihe Road, Shilin District | 25.0891115 | 121.5229285 |
喇度的廚房 | Shilin District | 25.0882157 | 121.5262236 |
OK Mart | No. 78號, Dadong Road, Shilin District | 25.090465 | 121.5258699 |
家鄉碳烤香雞排 | 台北市士林區基河路(都會叢林門口) | 25.0861476 | 121.5249843 |
學姐冰店 | Shilin District | 25.0894329 | 121.5262616 |
Ikari Coffee | 台北市, 台北市士林區士商路1號, 士林區 | 25.0890077 | 121.5216101 |
咕咕雞脆皮雞排 | No. 47號, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0892459 | 121.5249629 |
王叔叔雞蛋糕 | 台北市士林區基河路15號(麥當勞前) | 25.0868212 | 121.5246917 |
寒天脆皮雞蛋燒 | 台北市士林區大南路(面對士林廟口左側) | 25.0895657 | 121.5243915 |
福串炸 | No. 5, Daxi Road, Shilin District | 25.0897259 | 121.5240765 |
UNCLEVINCE墨西哥雞肉捲 | 台北市士林區大南路84號 | 25.089522 | 121.524684 |
Brundi Coffee Shop | No. 102, Wenlin Road, Shilin District | 25.0878644 | 121.5263133 |
南港老老面碳烤 | 台北市士林區基河路181號 | 25.0896829 | 121.5229633 |
好朋友涼麵 | No. 31, Danan Road, Shilin District | 25.0891172 | 121.5255382 |
麻辣妹子精緻99涮涮鍋 | No. 61, Dabei Road, Shilin District | 25.0900559 | 121.5252918 |
2015年10月27日 星期二
[R] 視覺化呈現 treemap
R script如下:
R script如下:
#read data
data = read.csv("data.csv",sep=",", header = T)
treemap(data, index = "title", vSize = "cntuser", vColor = "cntuser", type = "value", sortID = "-size")
2015年10月20日 星期二
[R] 動態Map視覺化呈現
透過leaflet package可套用OpenStreetMap圖資將資料視覺化呈現於網頁上
R Script如下:
data = read.csv("geo.csv",header=T,sep=",")
map = leaflet(data) %>% addTiles()
map %>% addCircles(radius = ~NT_CN, lat = ~y, lng = ~x, color = "red", weight = 1, popup = ~city, fillOpacity = 1)
透過Shiny可變成Web UI介面
Shiny Script如下:
# Application title
headerPanel("google map"),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of zoom
"Number of zoom:",
min = 1,
max = 12,
value = 11)
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$geoPlot <- p="" renderplot=""> setwd("C:/Users/chienhung0304/Desktop")
data = read.csv("geo.csv",header=T,sep=",")
map = leaflet(data) %>% addTiles()
map %>% addCircles(radius = ~NT_CN, lat = ~y, lng = ~x, color = "red", weight = 1, popup = ~city, fillOpacity = 1)
#map %>% addCircleMarkers(radius = ~NT_CN*0.1, fill = FALSE, lat = ~y, lng = ~x, color = "red")
Ref: https://rstudio.github.io/leaflet/shapes.html
R Script如下:
data = read.csv("geo.csv",header=T,sep=",")
map = leaflet(data) %>% addTiles()
map %>% addCircles(radius = ~NT_CN, lat = ~y, lng = ~x, color = "red", weight = 1, popup = ~city, fillOpacity = 1)
透過Shiny可變成Web UI介面
Shiny Script如下:
# Application title
headerPanel("google map"),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of zoom
"Number of zoom:",
min = 1,
max = 12,
value = 11)
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$geoPlot <- p="" renderplot=""> setwd("C:/Users/chienhung0304/Desktop")
data = read.csv("geo.csv",header=T,sep=",")
map = leaflet(data) %>% addTiles()
map %>% addCircles(radius = ~NT_CN, lat = ~y, lng = ~x, color = "red", weight = 1, popup = ~city, fillOpacity = 1)
#map %>% addCircleMarkers(radius = ~NT_CN*0.1, fill = FALSE, lat = ~y, lng = ~x, color = "red")
Ref: https://rstudio.github.io/leaflet/shapes.html
2015年10月19日 星期一
[R] 於Google map 上視覺化呈現資料
R Script如下:
x | y | NT_CN |
121.564003 | 25.0359 | 184 |
121.5149994 | 25.0451 | 110 |
121.5500031 | 25.0992 | 102 |
121.564003 | 25.0404 | 91 |
121.5049973 | 25.0452 | 86 |
R Script如下:
#change directory
#read data
data = read.csv("geo.csv",header=T,sep=",")
#import package
#center 中心點
#zoom 調整圖資深淺度
#maptype 圖資類型"terrain","satellite", "roadmap", and "hybrid"
#size 調整圖資大小
ggmap(get_googlemap(center='taipei city', zoom=12, maptype='roadmap', size = c(680,680), scale = 4), extent='device') + geom_point(data=data, aes(x=x, y=y), colour='red', size=data$NT_CN*0.1, shape = 19)
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